T. Jones, Jr. is Founder and President & CEO of the Center for Urban Families (CFUF), a
Baltimore, Maryland nonprofit service organization established to empower
low-income families by enhancing both the ability of women and men to
contribute to their families as wage earners and of men to fulfill their roles
as fathers. Mr. Jones is a national leader in workforce development, fatherhood
and family services programming, and through his professional and civic
involvement influences policy direction nationwide.
Jones’ civic engagements include service on the boards of the Open Society
Institute-Baltimore, Baltimore Workforce Development Board, and My Brother’s
Keeper-Baltimore. Mr. Jones has received
numerous awards and honors for his leadership and programming including the
Johns Hopkins University Leadership Development Program’s Distinguished
Leadership Award, an honorary Doctorate in Public Service from Morgan State
University, the Walter Sondheim Public Service Award, and the White House
Champion of Change Award. He is a 2004 Weinberg Fellow, a 2013 CNN Hero, and a current
Aspen Institute Ascend Fellow.
Mr. Jones is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He is happily married and has three children. Follow him on Twitter @Joe_dad_Joe.